Going round in circles ….

Circles … totality, wholeness, original perfection, the Self, the infinite, eternity, timelessness, all cyclic movement, Source/God, oneness …

Doesn’t sound so bad does it?  Then why is it that we say we are going round in circles as if it is bad thing or act like it means we are stuck or stagnant?  What if going round in circles is the perfect way to find the next place along our path?  What if there is no “stuck-ness” and it is instead an infinite discovery … no part of the circle ever the same but instead newly created and expanding with each step of our path, each step an opening to what is next?


I think of art as infinite.  I think of artists as infinite creators.  We can say all we want that there is never anything new created under the sun but is that true?   I can photograph the sunrise each morning and the moon each night and it is never the same. I can paint the same subject on my canvas every day and it is never the same (even if I diligently try to re-create it to be … there is always some little difference that others may not see but I know it is there).  I can go round in circles but if I just am willing to not label it as something wrong or bad then I can enjoy the process, the journey, be aware of the infinite choices and endless creation.

We are never stuck.  Science has proven that are living, breathing, vibrating cells and energy fields (like we didn’t know that but it is always fun to have science back up what we know) … we are never stagnant.  We just forget at times that we are always moving.  Particularly if we tell ourselves we are stagnant, stuck or going round in circles …

“Photographs trade simultaneously on the prestige of art and the magic of the real.  They are clouds of fantasy and pellets of information.”


Perhaps it is time to open to the excitement of our infinite circles and cycles … become aware of how each time we revolve around we are revolving around newly. All hale the circle, the cycles, the infinite ability to be moving no matter how stagnant we have told ourselves we are.  Perhaps that is the only way to get unstuck … to realize it was just that we labeled it incorrectly and look to see what is actually new this time …

I am off to go around in circles and see something new … how about you?